Classic Body Painting on Women

Classic Body Painting on Women 1 Classic Body Painting on Women

What is the portrait? This can be explained as follows: What kind of paint is usually the face of a person, then the word “portrait” originates. In addition, many portraits, old and new, as you can see it depicts the entire body. A portrait is painted with the intention of showing all properties and functions. The painter tries to emphasize these details in a portrait. After the application depicted, spots and other visible details sometimes overlooked. They are simply kept “secret” that painters would call it.

Even in ancient times (four thousand years BC) renowned personalities have been preserved for posterity. Portrait of origin in ancient Egypt, many pictures in the pyramids show died, but only Greece has reached such perfection.

However, the image has been sidelined for an extended period (until the Renaissance) in favor of sculpture.

The most important time for portraiture began only in Italian Renaissance painting, for example, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian.In the following centuries, flourished picture completely. For example, in the 17th century, Peter Paul Rubens is an artist

contract in great demand.

Classic Body Painting on Women 2 Classic Body Painting on Women

Those who could afford it even had preserved for posterity by this painter of the Baroque, already known today.

Today, few people can afford an original painting made by hand of an artist. And an original painting by Rubens is more utopian.

With the introduction of photography in the 19th and 20th century and modern communication methods, the picture has changed fundamentally. Since then also “normal” people who fight for a little conservation and want to have themselves or their loved ones painted on a canvas, you can do so at affordable prices.

Classic Body Painting on Women 3 Classic Body Painting on Women

The contract for the painting today, especially portraits of children, grandchildren, parents and grandparents are very popular. In addition, representations of beloved pets, luxury cars or favorite landscapes are widely sought.

Today, there are those who can afford to paint a portrait of an individual as a birthday gift.

Good painters paint these portraits makes clear that his resemblance to the originals is astonishing and almost the effect of the photos.

Although changes are possible, at the request of the individual requirements of small defects can be omitted, as we have already mentioned.

What characterizes a good portrait painter? A portrait should be able to paint a person with all its important functions. It must be able to describe what is really visible. You can not just go and change the features depicted, because the result would not be a portrait. The timing of the image, providing the person who portrays a painter’s representation of himself with his own details and features. Good painters are able to achieve exactly this, which is described above. What characterizes them.


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